Our main task – to hold a seminar in the positive, friendly atmosphere so that all, on its termination, still had good and pleasant impressions, and, above all to arm participants with the knowledge and exercises allowing to develop independently fighting skills and abilities.
To foreign citizens, we offer hotel. Also organized food and transport for delivery of group to venues of occupations is planned.
Personal security, conducting fight in various situations and places, self-defense from a knife, use of improvised subjects as the weapon, opposition to several opponents. Modeling of various situations and ways of the solution of tasks, using the principles of RMA.
Punches - statement of punch, punch from any provisions, punch without scope, the speed, punch in fight and in wrestling, at any distance.
The principles of movement or movements in fight.
Development of the certain reflexes necessary for conducting fight and self-defense, preparatory exercises and their application at working off.
Set of wrestling and punches in various provisions and situations.
Behavior of fight with group of forwards.
Principles of conducting fight: knife, gun, stick, belt.
The principles of safe falling and use of pushes on a wall, use of a wall (or any support) in fight.
"Special preparation" - instant attack and neutralization of the opponent, profitability and rationality of actions.
All studied material is taught by the principles of the Russian martial art.
On a course to take with itself boxing gloves, a rubber or wooden knife, it is desirable volleyball elbow pieces and kneecaps.
Men and women of any age and a floor, of 14 years, any level of physical preparation are invited to a course.
Hotel Baltpark 3*, Riga, Pernavas 36, Tel.: (+371) 67847000, Mob.: (+371) 27000913
e-mail: info@hotelbaltpark.lv web: www.hotelbaltpark.lv
T.S.A. courte cost 200 Euros.